
Heat Gain Calculator

An Explanation of Building Heat Gain and Loss

According to a scientist by the name of Sir Isaac Newton, “all matter seeks equilibrium”. Cold air and warm air seek each other out and mix together. This is the same as if you were to combine two glasses of water, each with a different temperature. The water would “mix” together forming a consistent temperature.

All buildings lose heat to the outside or gain heat from the outside. That is the reason why structures need to make up for heat loss and gain. And we do that with heating and cooling systems.

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Graph showing a wave form RMS characteristic.

Inductive Electrical Loads and Root Mean Square (RMS)

What is an inductive load and how does it related to RMS? An inductive load is a type of load in an electrical circuit that exhibits inductance, meaning it creates a magnetic field when a current flows through it. Examples of inductive loads include motors, transformers, solenoids, and other devices that use electromagnetic fields to

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Plumber Installing Kitchen Sink

The Major Components of a Residential Plumbing System

A residential plumbing system typically consists of the following major components: Time to Read: 2 Minutes Residential plumbing systems can be broken down into major categories based on functionality. The plumbing flat rate price book inside Flat Rate Plus Online, is organized by these categories.  Water Supply: This includes the main water supply line, shutoff

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